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Oral Oncology Conference 2023: African Perspectives on Omics

Tuesday, 11th July 2023, 09.30 BST

Hybrid - Remote via Google Meet and physically in TBS Open Area, Level 2, Teesside University, UK and other dedicated in-person viewing centres across collaborating institutions.

About the Event

Conference Theme

Building Research Capacity on Oral Oncology Sociogenomics and Bioinformatics in sub-Saharan Africa


Conference Sub-themes

  • The global health burden of oral cancer: The African perspective

  • Applications of genomic research in tackling the scourge of oral cancer disease in sub-Saharan Africa

  • Research capacity building on oral oncology in sub-Saharan Africa: Issues, Challenges and Prospects

  • The ethical, legal, and sociological implications of genomic research in sub-Saharan Africa


Registration fees


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Keynote Speakers

Prof. Ruwan Duminda Jayasinghe BDS, MS, FDS RCPS

Prof Ruwan is the Chair Professor and Specialist in the department of Oral Medicine & Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and adjunct faculty, department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, lndia.

He received BDS in 2001, MS (Oral Surgery) in 2005 and became a board-certified specialist in Oral Surgery in 2007. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons, and Physicians of Glasgow.

He was awarded multiple awards for his research and teaching including President’s Award for Scientific Publication and KSM health prize.

He has 135 full paper publications, 08 full papers in proceedings, 25 abstract in journals, 196 research presentations. He has obtained 30 grants as principle investigator/co-investigator, written 10 books and contributed chapters in books. He has delivered 08 orations, 70 guest lectures, contributed to 20 symposia, 250 times as a resource person in workshops.

He is the Director/ Operational Technical Secretariat (OTS)/ AHEAD Operations, University of Peradeniya, former director/ Centre of Research in Oral Cancer and former head of departments of Oral Medicine and Periodontology and Radiography and Radiotherapy.

He held many positions in professional associations including president of the College of Dentistry and Stomataology, Sri Lanka Society of Oral Medicine and Oral pathology and Vice President-Sri Lanka Dental Association.


Program of events




9:00 - 9:30

Arrival of participants

9:31 - 9:43

Opening remarks

Prof. Tim Thompson

9:46 - 9:56

Welcome message

Prof. Jeff Breckon

10:00 – 10:19

About the Consortium for Head and Neck Cancer in Africa

Dr Lawrence Nnyanzi

10:21 – 10:25

Introduction of keynote speaker (Assoc. Prof. Akinyele Adisa)

Dr Jacob Nwafor

10:26 – 10:45

Keynote Lecture “The global health burden of oral cancer: The African perspective”

Assoc. Prof. Akinyele Adisa

10:46 – 10:49

Commentary on keynote lecture

Dr Lawrence Nnyanzi

10:51 – 10:55

Introduction of keynote speaker (Prof. Ruwan Jayasinghe)

Dr Jacob Nwafor

10:56 – 11:15

Keynote Lecture

“Research capacity building on oral oncology in low- and middle-income countries: Issues, Challenges and Prospects”

Prof. Ruwan Jayasinghe

11:16 – 11:19

Commentary on keynote lecture

Dr Lawrence Nnyanzi

11:21 – 11:25

Introduction of keynote speaker (Prof. Jimoh Amzat)

Dr Jacob Nwafor

11:26 – 11:45

Keynote Lecture

“The ethical, legal, and sociological implications of genomic research in sub-Saharan Africa”

Prof. Jimoh Amzat

11:46 – 11:49

Commentary on keynote lecture

Dr Lawrence Nnyanzi

11:50 – 12:15

Tea Break

12:16 – 12:20

Welcome back

Dr Lawrence Nnyanzi

12:21 – 12:25

Introduction of keynote speaker (Prof. Kalu Ogbureke)

Dr Jacob Nwafor

12:26 – 12:45

Keynote Lecture

“Applications of genomic research in tackling the scourge of oral cancer disease in sub-Saharan Africa”

Prof. Kalu Ogbureke

12:46 – 12:49

Commentary on keynote lecture

Dr Lawrence Nnyanzi

12:50 – 13:15


13:16 – 13:20

Welcome back

Dr Lawrence Nnyanzi


Introduction of keynote speaker (Professor Claudio Angione)

Dr Jacob Nwafor


Keynote Lecture "Injecting knowledge into deep learning to make it interpretable for biomedical applications"

Professor Claudio Angione


Commentary on keynote lecture

Dr Lawrence Nnyanzi


Oral presentation on BRECON Project findings

Oral presenters

14:21 - 15:10

Oral presentation of conference papers

15 mins/paper

Oral presenters

15:11 – 15:25

Short break

15:26 – 15:30

Welcome back

Dr Lawrence Nnyanzi


Publishing in Special Issue in Oral (MDPI)

“Molecular Pathobiology, Diagnosis and Therapeutics in Oral Cancer”

Dr Kehinde Kanmodi

15:41 – 15:59

Presentation by Novogene

Dr Nisrine El Chami 

16:01 – 16:40

Scientific dialogue/general meeting

All participants

16:42 – 16:55

Presentation of awards

Dr Alexander Newman

16:56 – 17:00

Vote of thanks/Closing remarks

Dr Lawrence Nnyanzi


  • The conference welcomes all abstract submissions within the scope of the conference.

  • All abstracts must have a title, author list, author affiliation(s), and address of the corresponding author.

  • All abstracts must not exceed 300-word count, excluding the word count for title, author list, author affiliation(s), and address of the corresponding author.

  • All research abstracts must adopt this structure: Background; Methods; Results (if findings will be reported); and Conclusion.

  • Non-research abstracts must adopt this structure: Background; Methods/Description of Program; Lessons Learnt; and Recommendations.

  • All abstracts will be accepted for oral presentation.

  • All submissions must be received by 31 May 2023.

Call for Abstracts

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